

Color Digital Image Encryption Technology and Software Implementation based on Chaotic Map




Digital image information security, is accompanied by the rapid development of computer network and multimedia technology and the emergence of new problems. In recent years, the image information on the Internet more and more popular, but for some image information relating to personal privacy and national security, we must take the secret transmission mode, the image encryption technology more and more attention, research has important image encryption technology practical significance. Based on MFC and Matlab7.0 development tools, the paper design color image based on coupling chaotic encryption algorithm developed into an application software that fully implements all the performance of the proposed design of the cryptographic algorithm, and a beautiful interface, easy operation intuitive algorithm evaluation function and so on. In this paper, a digital color image encryption algorithm based on chaotic mapping. It was proposed based on color image encryption algorithm disaster and chaos mapping combined color image encryption algorithm based on logistic mapping, and two encryption algorithms performance comparison and analysis.


 1. Introduction
 2. Digital image encryption technology and password system
 3. Color Image Encryption Algorithm based on Chaotic Mapping
 4. Experiment and Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • Pei Wang Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Henan, 450005, China


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