

A Light Weight Security Scheme for Network Coding Based on a Mobius Transformation




Network coding is a new method for forwarding network throughput in digital communication systems. In this paper, we introduce an efficient scheme for protecting the source data against wiretapper in linear network coding. The proposed scheme is implemented on the generated data packets in source node. We employ a well-known permutation function called Mobius transformation to transfer the existing data packet to an appropriate interchanged data packet. Then the new data packet can be sent to the intermediate nodes via output links of the source node in network securely. Indeed, the security of the proposed scheme against wiretapper is provided by employing Mobius transformation and interleaver operation on the generated data packet in source node. In the absence of cryptography systems, the proposed method is a light weight security scheme for network coding that can provide a security level easily.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background on Network Coding
  2.1. Notations and Definitions
  2.2 Wiretapper
 3. Permutation and Interleaver
  3.1 Permutation Function
  3.2 Interleaver Operation
 4. The Proposed Scheme
 5. Conclusion


  • M. H. Tadayon Iran Telecommunications Research Center (ITRC), Tehran, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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