The star graph is an attractive alternative to hypercube. The pancake graph has n! nodes and generates edge using exchange of a symbol that composes a node address like star graph. The half pancake graph is a new network where the network cost of pancake graph is reduced by half. We suggest embedding algorithm among these networks. The half pancake HPn was embedded on pancake Pn with dilation 1 and congestion 1. The half pancake Pn was embedded on star graph Sn with dilation 1.5n-2, average dilation about 0.25n+4, and congestion 6. The pancake Pn was embedded on star graph Sn with dilation 1.5n. All the three of embedding were one-to-one embedding with expansion 1.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work and Preliminaries
3. Embedding Algorithm
3.1. Embedding of half pancake onto pancake
3.2. Embedding of half pancake onto star
3.3. Embedding of Pancake onto Star
4. Conclusion