

Modeling and Code Generation of Android Applications Using Acceleo



The development of mobile applications becomes increasingly popular in our daily life due to the intensive use of applications in mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. The diversity and variety of mobile operating systems (Android, iOS, Black Berry, Windows Phone, etc.) make software engineers in front of a big challenge to develop the same application for these different platforms. This paper presents a methodology based on the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to develop mobile applications according to the principle “develops once, use everywhere”. Our approach exploits UML modeling and Acceleo to generate specific code in order to accelerate and facilitate the development of mobile applications.


 1. Introduction
 2. Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
 3. Related Works
 4. Android Applications
 5. MDA Approach for Android Applications.
 6. CASE STUDY: ERP Mobile Applications
 7. Conclusion


  • Hanane BENOUDA MATSI Laboratory, EST Oujda, Mohammed First University (UMP), Oujda, Morocco
  • Redouane ESSBAI MATSI Laboratory, EST Oujda, Mohammed First University (UMP), Oujda, Morocco
  • Mostafa AZIZI MATSI Laboratory, EST Oujda, Mohammed First University (UMP), Oujda, Morocco
  • Mimoun MOUSSAOUI MATSI Laboratory, EST Oujda, Mohammed First University (UMP), Oujda, Morocco


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