

Clauser : Clause Slicing Tool for C Programs



The Clause slicing technique is a static slicing technique. The clause slice criterion is the clause, which is the smallest part of the code line, with the clause number. In this paper, we introduce the “Clauser,” which is a new clause slicing tool for C programs. The Clauser is a slicing tool that divides the program code lines into clauses, depending on certain rules, and then it slices the clauses by applying the rules of clause slicing and returns the slices of the slice criterion. Compared to other static slicing techniques, clause slicing is more accurate because it considers all code phrases that may affect the program flow. Implementation results showed that the Clauser succeeded in automating a part of clause slicing.


 1. Introduction
 2. Program Slicing
  2.1. Static Slicing
  2.2. Program Slicing Tools
 3. Clause Slicing
 4. Clauser
 5. Evaluation
 6. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Mohammad M. A. Abdallah Department of Software Engineering Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Amman, Jordan
  • Hanadi A. Tamimi Department of Computer Science University of Koblenz -Landau Koblenz, Germany


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