

Integrating the Computer Systems and Applied Music Education - Focus on Sequencing Program -



Human being’s endless desire for comfort had lead to the invention of computer. Computer became a fundamental element in human life due to its technological development. For mid 1980s, music composition has started with computers. The beginning of computer music was done by a computer named Atari which was used only for musical purposes. After all several softwares for music production was made for desktop computers. It started with softwares for Dos, and latter on programs for Window OS was invented. Nowadays, due to the development of hardware and software capability of computers, the whole process of music production; recording, mixing, autotune, mastering, can be done with a single software. This thesis is research about the most popular MIDI used in popular music majors; Cubase and Logic Pro. Among several functions, this thesis would compare the strength and weakness of sequencing, and special features in an educational perspective


 1. Introduction
 2. Detours
  2.1. Composed Function
  2.2. Score Editor
  2.3. Mix Console
  2.4. Professional Music Program
  2.5. Channel Strip
  2.6. Sourround
 3. Analysis
 4. Conclusion


  • Tae-Seon Cho Dept. of Applied Music, Chungwoon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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