

Image Processing of Remote Sensor using Lifting Wavelet and Curvelet Transform




Nowadays, Geographic Information System (GIS) has been widely used in traffic control or urban planning and monitoring, thus, remote sensing images should be processed in digital form, which allows rapid integration of remote sensing analysis into a GIS. This paper discusses an image processing approach by using lifting wavelet and curvelet transform to carry out the image fusion of remote sensing photos. This approach integrates the lifting wavelet and curvelet transform to deal with the challenges in remote sensing image fusion. Experiments are carried out for testing the feasibility and compare the proposed approach with traditional wavelet manner. The experimental results show that, the correlation coefficients of primary low waveband from the proposed model are a little bit higher than the panchromatic waveband. That implies the image fusion can be performed better by the proposed model. Additionally, it was found that, the enhancement of information entropy will be improved by 7.73% and 9.84% respectively from both two experiments.


 1. Introduction
 2. Lifting Wavelet
  2.1 Basic Concept
  2.2 Integer Change in Lifting Wavelet
 3. Curvelet Transform
 4. Proposed Model for Remote Sensing Image Processing
  4.1 Model Description
  4.2 Experiments
 5. Conclusion


  • Hong Zhong Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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