

Development of volume reduction method of cesium contaminated soil with magnetic separation



In this study, we developed a new volume reduction technique for cesium contaminated soil by magnetic separation. Cs in soil is mainly adsorbed on clay which is the smallest particle constituent in the soil, especially on paramagnetic 2:1 type clay minerals which strongly adsorb and fix Cs. Thus selective separation of 2:1 type clay with a superconducting magnet could enable to reduce the volume of Cs contaminated soil. The 2:1 type clay particles exist in various particle sizes in the soil, which leads that magnetic force and Cs adsorption quantity depend on their particle size. Accordingly, we examined magnetic separation conditions for efficient separation of 2:1 type clay considering their particle size distribution. First, the separation rate of 2:1 type clay for each particle size was calculated by particle trajectory simulation, because magnetic separation rate largely depends on the objective size. According to the calculation, 73 and 89 % of 2:1 type clay could be separated at 2 and 7 T, respectively. Moreover we calculated dose reduction rate on the basis of the result of particle trajectory simulation. It was indicated that 17 and 51 % of dose reduction would be possible at 2 and 7 T, respectively. The difference of dose reduction rate at 2 T and 7 T was found to be separated a fine particle. It was shown that magnetic separation considering particle size distribution would contribute to the volume reduction of contaminated soil.


  3.1. Calculation method
  3.2. Results and Discussions
  4.1. Calculation method
  4.2. Results and Discussion


  • Kazuki Yukumatsu Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  • Naoki Nomura Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  • Fumihito Mishima Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  • Yoko Akiyama Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  • Shigehiro Nishijima Osaka University, Osaka, Japan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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