Currently product reviews information has become the focus of increasing concern to these comments often containing more information on consumer evaluation of various attributes of goods, and therefore the evaluation of mining comment object has become a hot topic. This paper presents a method called evaluation object extraction based on Bootstrapping in Chinese commodity comments, this method first comment summed up a lot of information on the properties of 10 kinds of speech rule templates, and then determined the integrity of the candidate meets these templates phrases, and these have complete of candidates as a seed, extended new property template by Bootstrapping method, and finally removed in line with all the attributes of a template as a final evaluation of the object phrase, and through experiments to calculate the accuracy, harmonic mean of recall and pr
1. Introduction
2. The Paper Work
3. Candidate Evaluation Object Extraction
3.1. Screening Generate Candidate Noun Phrase Phrases
3.2. Candidate Object Extraction.
4. Based on the Evaluation Object Extraction Method Bootstrapping
5. The Experimental Analysis
5.1 Experiment 1: The Results Compare to Data1 were not Used this Method and Evaluated after the Integrity of the Candidate Phrase
5.2 Experiment 2: Compare this Method with Keyword Matching Methods Evaluated Score Results
6. Conclusion