Bauxite ore in the Wuchua-Zheng, an-Daozhan area, Northern Guizhou Province can be divided into 4 basic types: massive bauxite, clastic bauxite, oolithic bauxite and earthy bauxite. We find the four ores are kept in a continuous evolution from our comprehensive analysis on bauxite color, texture, composition and elements though they differ largely in texture and composition. Massive bauxite is the basic form of bauxite ore, earthy bauxite is the final form, and the basic evolutionary sequence of bauxite ore is: massive → clastic → oolithic → earthy or it can directly evolve from massive bauxite or clastic bauxite into earthy bauxite without oolithic bauxite process.
1. Introduction
2. Geological Setting
3. Original Form of Bauxite Ore
4. Characteristics of Different Types of Ores
5. Evolutionary Relationship of Different Types of Ore
6. Summary