

Design of Platform Business Model in Public Sector : Role & Responsibility for Governance



Platform business models as AppStore, SNS (social network service) and online marketplace are creating new markets and providing opportunities to dominate. And they are considered as a blueprint for future business. Trying to create or enter a new business area, the more interested companies and consumers can be induced to minimize the risk. Platform could maximize the profitability of private companies, as well as provide various improved citizen services with minimum cost in public sector. Platform's ability to link multiple public agencies are capable of keystone. Therefore, designing the platform service model in public sector, setting an R&R (role and responsibility) of each related agency for platform governance to be considered in the perspective of national innovation system (NIS, National Innovation System).


 1. Introduction
 2. Platform Business in Public Sector
  2.1. Platform Business
  2.2. Issues in Public Sector
 3. Platform Model Analysis & Design
  3.1. Project Overview
  3.2. Requirement Analysis and Concept Design
  3.3. Platform Strategy for PSEIP
  3.4. Operating Model
 4. Conclusion & Implication


  • Hi-Yeob Joo Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea
  • Hae-Moon Seo Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea
  • Jin-Kyu Lee Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea


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