

Can Opinion Leader Influences the Purchase Intension of Online Consumer



With the role which opinion leader plays in e-WOM(word of mouth) generation and communication comes more and more important, its influence on online consumer purchase intension become a hot issue for industry and academics. Based on the concept model constructed and scale designed in our previous studies, a questionnaire is used in this paper for data collection. Then, structural equation model is adopted for fitting and path analysis, and found that: In all 14 hypotheses, 9 of them have significant positive correlation, which verified that variants including professional knowledge, product involvement, interactive, functional value, emotional value influence purchase intension virtually via trust. And at the same time, professional, product involvement and visual clue impact purchase intension directly. Moreover, homophily has positive moderating effect on correlation between professional knowledge and purchase intension, as well as in the relationship of product involvement and purchase intension.


 1. Introduction
 2. Research Model and Questionnaire Design
  2.1. Research Model
  2.2. Questionnaire Design
 3. Data Collection and Preliminary Analysis
  3.1. Data Collection
  3.2. Descriptive Statistical Analysis
 4. Empirical Analysis
  4.1. Model Fitting
  4.2. Path Analysis and Hypothesis Test
  4.3. The Effect of Homogeneity Adjustment
 5. Results and Discussions
  5.1. Model Explanation
  5.2. Influence of Opinion Leaders Feature
  5.3. Influence of Recommended Information
  5.4. Impact of Perceived Value
  5.5. Effect of Homogeneity


  • Fei Meng Department of Public Foundation, Zhejiang Police College
  • Jianliang Wei School of Computer and Information Engineering/Contemporary Business and Trade Research Center, Zhejiang Gongshang University


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