

Research on Power Control Algorithms Based on Stackelberg Game Model in Two-tier Network



With the continuous development of information, wireless network has become an integral part of people’s everyday lives. With the explosive growth of data in wireless network, the interferences and competition for resources are more and more serious, especially in the intensive network scenarios. Power control can effectively reduce the interference to improve throughput, save energy and prolong the service life of equipment. This paper proposes a power optimization strategy for Femtocell base station in LTE-A, a two-tier network. It plans the problem into Stackelberg Game, as Stackelberg Game model well describes the user behaviors, making it an effective analysis tool. Then this paper researches the Stackelberg equilibrium and obtains the optimal power distribution and optimal power pricing method. Based on it, a distributed non-uniform pricing algorithm, DNP, is proposed for Femtocell base station deployment. It realizes the distributed deployment with low complexity and less information interaction, and also shows a good performance through simulation, thus having a guiding significance for the power control scheme of Femtocell base station deployment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Two-tier Network and Game Theory
  2.1. Two-tier Network Introduction
  2.2. Interference Model of Two-tier Network
  2.3. Game Theory
  2.4. Stackelberg Game Theory
 3. Power Control Model in Two-tier Heterogeneous Network
  3.1. Research Background
  3.2. System Model in Intensive Deployment Scenario
 4. Stackelberg Planning and Equilibrium
  4.1. Stackelberg Game Problem Planning
  4.2. Stackelberg Equilibrium
  4.3. DNP Algorithm
 5. Algorithm Simulation and Results Analysis
  5.1. Cutting Off Rate of MUE
  5.2. Spectrum Effectiveness of FBS
  5.3. Fairness of FUE
 6. Conclusions


  • Chunmin Qiu Binzhou Polytechnic, Binzhou, Shandong,256603,China
  • Fei Lao Binzhou Polytechnic, Binzhou, Shandong,256603,China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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