

Statistical Data Analysis and Prediction Model for Learning Assessment in Korean High Schools Based on EduData



Most analyses in pedagogy have been based on surveys, while in many other research areas like cognitive science and psychology, data-driven research has made significant progress based on large-scale data automatically generated and archived. Recently in pedagogy, learning achievement data has been archived, and EduData is one of such data sets provided by Korean ministry of education. Many data driven analysis algorithms can be applied to such data. As a first data-driven analysis to EduData, we applied the linear regression model to check which factors are effective to Korean student’s learning achievement. Finally, we proposed a model to predict degree of achievement. Experimental results show the performance of our models.


 1. Introduction
 2. Previous Work
 3. Data Set
  3.1. EduData
  3.2. Preprocessing
 4. Handling Missing Values
 5. Prediction Model
 6. Results
 7. Conclusions


  • Heeyoul Choi Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Suwon, Korea
  • Yunhee Kang Baekseok University, Cheonan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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