

Research on Seismic Signals Denoising Method based on Multi-Threshold Wavelet Packet



For the distortion problem of traditional denoising threshold function exists, a seismic signal denoising method based on wavelet packet multi-threshold function was present. Seismic wave signals were done wavelet packet decomposition and wavelet packet decomposition coefficients were arranged in the order of magnitude of the frequency, the appropriate threshold criteria was selected on different frequency bands and threshold processing was done on different frequency bands. Synthetic seismic signals and real seismic data were done multi-threshold wavelet packet decomposition, which better remove high frequency random noise and retain useful signals. Experimental results showed that multi-threshold wavelet packet decomposition method can effectively remove noises and improve the resolution of seismic data, with better denoising effect.


 1. Introduction
 2. Wavelet Packet Transforms
  2.1. Wavelet Packet Definition
  2.2. Denoising
  2.3. Wavelet Packet Frequency Sequences
 3. Choice of Wavelet Base and Multi-Threshold
  3.1. Determination of Best Wavelet Packet (Calculates the Optimum Tree).
  3.2. Multi-Threshold
 4. Simulation
  4.1. Simulation Signal Denoising.
  4.2. Analog Seismic Record Noising.
 5. The Seismic Data Denoising
 6. Conclusions


  • Liu Shucong Institute of Disaster Prevention, Sanhe, 065201, China
  • Cheng Lina Institute of Disaster Prevention, Sanhe, 065201, China
  • Li Lixin Institute of Disaster Prevention, Sanhe, 065201, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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