Seam carving is a kind of content aware image retargeting algorithm and can be applied to resize and deliberately remove objects from digital images. Based on the observation that after applying an additional seam carving operation, the similarity, the energy relative error, and the difference of seam distance of original image are quite different from those of the seam-carved image, we propose and develop a new method for detecting seam carving or seam insertion of natural images without knowledge of the original image. First, we apply an additional seam carving operation to the testing image, then calculate similarity, energy relative error, and difference of seam distance between the testing image and its seam carved version. Last, we extract 11 dimensional features to detect seam carving operation to train a support vector machine classifier for recognizing whether an image is an original or it has been modified using seam-carving. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed forensic method achieves not only better detection rate but also lower dimensional features compared with other existing seam carved detection methods.
1. Introduction
2. The Proposed Algorithm
2.1. Overview of Seam Carving Process
2.2. The Characteristics of Seam Carved Images
2.3. The Proposed Algorithm
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. The Performance of Similarity Feature
3.2. The Performance of Mixed Features
3.3. Comparisons with Previous Works
4. Conclusions