

Children’s Line Drawings and Object Representation Strategies: Categorization of Children’s Mental Representation Strategies According to the Existing Theories for Object Recognition by Studying Line Drawings



Mental representation of objects deals with understanding the imagery information of concepts and provides clues for design and implementation of computational object recognition strategies. In this study, I postulate that studying of children’s drawings can provide useful information about mental representation of objects in preliminary stage of developmental learning. To this aim, I have designed an experiment in which I asked children of ages 3-4 to draw objects from known categories. Children were also allowed to have a brief view to a prototypical picture of objects for a short period of time. Based on my observation derived from children's drawings, I classified children’s strategies for object representation into three main categories: part-concept, familiar-concept and shape-concept. Results from this experiment suggest that there is a strong link between early object representation and theories of object recognition.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Method
 4. Results
 5. Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • Zahra Sadeghi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, North Kargar, Tehran, P.O. Box: 14395-515, Iran


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