For a better predicting and analyses of robustness and security properties of some networks examples such as scale-free networks, small-world networks and real-world router-level Internet, models with different topologies and variable loads of the corresponding networks were founded firstly. Then, experiments of hybrid attacks ranging from complete random attacks where attack parameter tao=1 to complete targeted attacks where tao=0 were simulated. Results showed clearly that scale-free networks were robust to random failures and quite fragile to target attacks and the progression of networks fragility seems to have power-law distribution with workload parameter. For the NW small-world networks, attacks types are not so much sensitive to the robustness of the networks. What’s found here would be useful for design and implement of some real-world networks.
1. Introduction
2. Topological Properties of Complex Networks Examples
2.1. BA scale - Free Network
2.2. NW Small World networks
2.3. Router-Level Internet Topology
3. Robustness Analysis of Complex Networks Examples
3.1. Identification Parameters of Robustness
3.2. Analysis of Networks Examples
4. Conclusions