

New Secure Load Sharing Algorithm in Network Layer



The objective of the present paper is to bring a protection of information against new threats and attacks, by introducing security issues in the elements of the network, operating at low level, especially at layer 3. We propose to arm them with a new method of processing, while dispatching messages based on a Secure Load Sharing algorithm (SLS algorithm), that can bring a big help in stopping attacks based on sniffing, like MitM. We provide implementation tests that show the efficiency of this new concept to bring more traffic security, without any negative impact on routers operations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Graph Theory in Computer Network
  2.1. Presentation of the Pathfinder Algorithm
  2.2. Example of Pathfinder Algorithm Implementation
 3. Secure Load Sharing
  3.1. SLS Algorithm Implementation
 4. Conclusion


  • Mouhcine Chliah Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed-V, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Ghizlane Orhanou Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed-V, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Said El Hajji Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed-V, Rabat, Morocco.


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