

A Novel Iris Authentication Using ECDSA



The Cryptographic systems need a secret key or a random number must be necessarily tied to an individual through a unique identifier. This unique identifier definitely might exist a globally user id or biometric data [2]. In this paper we combined biometric with cryptography in which the intensity of each pixel of iris is changed into the elliptic curve and encrypted using ECC. The receiver end original image is recovered by using their decryption and authentication [8] is performed using ECDSA. The proposed technique is implemented for BMP images. We can enroll and add the number of images for authentication .It has been also performed more security if the image is recovered without being any side channel attack.


 1. Introduction
 2. Proposed Method of Implementation
 3. Implementation
  3.1. Implementation of Proposed Algorithm:
  3.2. Iris Authentication using Iris Template:
 4. Result
 5. Conclusion


  • Srinivasan Nagaraj Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE, GMRIT, GMR Nagar, RAJAM-532127, AP
  • Dr. G. S. V. P. Raju Professor, Dept. Of CS&ST, Andhra University, Vizag, AP.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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