

Study on a Dynamic E-business Application Framework Based on Web Service-Based SOA




Web service is the kernel and key to develop a new dynamic E-business application framework and the dynamic E-business is the goal of E-business development. This paper introduced several key techniques of XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI in Web services as well as the relationships between these techniques. And the SOA can meet the requirements of various kinds of E-business application framework. So a service-oriented dynamic E-business application framework based on SOA and Web service is proposed. In the proposed framework, SOA is used to realize the standard and loosely coupled application framework by using the characteristics of Web service. They can ensure a compatible information exchange and integration framework for the business process of the dynamic E-business, provide more complex interaction and collaboration between trading partners. So the proposed E-business application framework has these characteristics of crossing platform, flexibility and easy expansion, and can effectively solve dynamic E-business application framework.


 1. Introduction
 2. Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Service
  2.1. Service-Oriented Architecture
  2.2. Web Service
  2.3 Features of Web Service-Based SOA
 3. A Traditional E-Business Application Framework
 4. A New Dynamic E-Business Application Framework
 5. Conclusion


  • Xueqiang Yin Department of Public Safety, China Electronic Technology Group Corporation No.15 Research Institute, Beijing 100083 China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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