

Encryption of Query in DNS Message



DNS is an integral part of the internet infrastructure. It’s one of the principal elements in all IP communications. Since its invention in 1983, the protocol has evolved to overcome its various limitations. This article proposes a new solution to secure DNS protocol which consists on encrypting query in DNS message between ‘master’ and ‘slave’ servers. We will see first an overview of the name resolution via DNS protocol. We will give the basic information about the resolution process in DNS. Then, we will expose some DNS vulnerabilities such as the creation or modification of messages and cache poisoning. After that, we will propose a new solution that will help to ensure the confidentiality in exchanges between DNS server and client and will also ensure the availability of the DNS architecture. Finally, we will conclude with an analysis of the benefits and the weaknesses of this solution.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Presentation of DNS Operation
 4. DNS Security Issues
 5. Security in DNS Query Message
 6. Conclusion


  • Kaouthar Chetioui Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed V–Rabat, Morocco
  • Ghizlane Orhanou Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed V–Rabat, Morocco
  • Said El Hajji Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed V–Rabat, Morocco


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