

Preserving Location Privacy in Location Based Services against Sybil Attacks



With the rapid development of wireless technologies, Privacy of personal location information of a vehicle ad-hoc network (VANET) users is becoming an increasingly important issue. Services provided by Location based services to VANETs users can breached by Sybil attacks i.e. by malicious vehicles claim multiple identities at the same time. The prevention of these attacks, which could occur in or out of the Road Side Units (RSUs) coverage have a challenge to detect, as it should meet a compromise between the ability to identify the real identity of the malicious vehicle, and prevention of vehicle users from being tracked by malicious entities (i.e unauthorized users). This paper proposes a solution to prevent and detect Sybil attacks in VANETs. The identification of attackers is based on two types of authentication techniques. The first uses identification tags (for example: RFID etc.) embedded in the vehicle to authenticate them to the RSU and obtain short lifetime certificates. The second uses certificates to authenticate vehicles to their neighbors. The vehicular network is divided into different zones brought under the control of different certification authorities (CAs), forcing a vehicle to change its certificate when moving from a zone to another. One important characteristic of the proposed solution is that it prevents attackers from tracking the mobility of the vehicles. Avoiding false negatives is also addressed using observers (for example: software components in charge of monitoring) in vehicle nodes. A set of simulation scenarios also are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed solution. In last, this paper summarizes the comparison between our proposed approach and other various existed techniques to detect Sybil attacks in LBSs.


 I. Introduction
 2. An Efficient Detection of Sybil Attacks in LBSs to Protect Vehicle Users
  A. Requirements for Sybil Attacks detection
  B. Proposed Location Privacy Architecture
  C. Observing security-related events
 3. Certificates Management between Vehicle Users, RSUs, RSCs, and TAs
  A. Certificates Delivery
  B. Certificates Revocation
  C. Certificates Renewal
 4. Detecting Sybil Attacks
 5. Experimental Results via Simulation
  A. Simulation Model
  B. Experimental Results
 6. Related Work
 7. Conclusion


  • Amit Kumar Tyagi Research Scholar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry-605014, India
  • N. Sreenath Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry-605014, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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