

From Cloud to Fog and IoT-Based Real-Time U-Healthcare Monitoring for Smart Homes and Hospitals



Healthcare in the past, decision making was merely based on doctor’s personal experience, domain knowledge, patient's physical signs and symptoms and diagnostic laboratory reports. In contrast, devices or things and technologies came into existence playing significant role and helps doctors or physicians to add wisdom to their decision in healthcare monitoring. Cloud paradigm stands as the backbone for on-demand network use of a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) in U-healthcare monitoring system architectures but attached limitations which are solved by Fog(significant extension of cloud). This paper proposed architecture for IoT based u-healthcare monitoring with the motivation and advantages of Cloud to Fog(C2F) computing which interacts more by serving closer to the edge (end points) at smart Homes and Hospitals.


 1. Introduction
 2. Motivation and Related Work
 3. Proposed Cloud to Fog (C2F) Computing Model:
  3.1. Tier 1: Smart Devices or Things Network
  3.2. Tier 2: Fog
  3.3. Tier 3: Core
  3.4. Tier 4: Cloud
 4. Conclusions and Future Work:


  • Chandra Sukanya Nandyala School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea
  • Haeng-Kon Kim School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea


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