Recently, the intelligent services demands interactions with the sensor networks, actuator networks, and context aware applications. Actuator network supports an infrastructure to have an immediate access to information for controlling the physical world and its objects using sensor networks and context aware applications. Actuator network middleware supports the command message transfer for controlling the behavior of the environment or physical systems. In this paper, we design and implement the actuator network middleware based on ID(IDentification) and IP(Internet Protocol) address for control the environment using multiple actuator devices. Also, this middleware assigns ID for identifying each actuator nodes, and uses an IP address for transferring control messages between application and actuator networks. And, the presented middleware provides to connect between actuator ID and IP address using the mapping table. We design the middleware using sequence diagram and state diagram, and implement it based on .Net framework. The middleware supports to transfer command messages between application and actuator networks.
1. Introduction
2. A Middleware Design for Actuator Networks
3. A Middleware Implementation for Actuator Networks
4. Conclusion