

Global Anomaly Crowd Behavior Detection Using Crowd Behavior Feature Vector




In the area of crowd abnormal detection, the parameter of population density, is seldom used to the global crowd behavior detection. Some of the references simply use the LBP or spatial-temporal LBP features to fulfill the abnormal detection. They don’t make full use of the crowd density characteristics and dynamic characteristics. This paper proposes a novel method by increasing the dimension of feature vector to increase the information content so as to improve the recognition accuracy. That is to say the crowd dynamic information and crowd density information will be combined together to form a higher dimension of feature vectors, which is named as the crowd behavior feature vector in this paper to improve the robustness of the algorithm. Finally, Support Vector Machines (SVM) is adopted to detect the abnormal events using the crowd behavior feature vector. This work utilizes the Local Binary Pattern Co-Occurrence Matrix (LBPCM) for crowd density estimation to ensure the excellent accuracy. At the same time, it adopts high accuracy optical flow histograms of the orientation of interaction force to extract the crowd dynamic information (HOIF). After verification, we discovered this algorithm not only can get the good discrimination on the benchmark dataset UMN, but also can achieve the pretty high recognition rate about the web dataset.


 1. Introduction
 2. Global Abnormal Crowd Behavior Detection
  2.1 Crowd Motion Detection
  2.2. Histograms of the Orientation of Interaction Force
  2.3. Local Binary Pattern Co-Occurrence Matrix
 3. Global Abnormal Crowd Behavior Detection
  3.1. UMN Dataset
  3.2. Web Dataset
 4. Conclusions


  • Yong Yin College of Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
  • Qiannan Liu College of Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
  • Shibiao Mao College of Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China


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