

Urban Landscape Innovative Design and Its Evaluation




Innovation is the soul of landscape design, and studying the innovative design methods of landscape and evaluating it have significant meanings. This research classifies landscape design innovation into 9 types: cultural art innovation, functional position innovation, technological and scientific application innovation, space usage innovation, environmental protection innovation, service object innovation, economic efficiency innovation, social development innovation and industry chain innovation. Landscape design innovation is aimed at creating a landscape environment, which can be more in line with the long-term interests of the public. Landscape design innovation can be evaluated from 8 aspects: visual art evaluation, physiological comfort level evaluation, convenience evaluation, resource and environment evaluation, psychological satisfaction degree evaluation, POE evaluation, input-output evaluation, social integration evaluation and life cycle evaluation. The evaluation of innovation aims to ensure that the creative landscape design works could be carried out to provide the public with service and experiences of higher quality.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methods of Landscape Innovative Design
  2.1 Cultural Art Innovation
  2.2 Technological and Scientific Application Innovation
  2.3 Space Usage innovation
  2.4 Environmental Protection Innovation
  2.5 Service Object Innovation
  2.6 Economic Efficiency Innovation
  2.7 Functional Orientation Innovation
  2.8 Social Development Innovation
  2.9 Industry Chain Innovation
 3. The Evaluation Method of Landscape Design Innovation
  3.1 Visual Art Evaluation
  3.2 Physiological Comfort Level Evaluation
  3.3 Availability Evaluation
  3.4 Resource and Environment Evaluation
  3.5 Psychological Satisfaction Degree Evaluation
  3.6 Post Occupancy Evaluation
  3.7 Social Integration Evaluation
  3.8 Life Cycle Evaluation
 4. Conclusion


  • Li Yan Department of Architecture, Henan Technical College of Construction, Zhengzhou, 450064, China
  • Yichuan Zhang School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003, China


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