A Study on Teaching Method for the Underachievers through Small Groups' Learning in Mathematics
It is necessary that at any rate we try to decrease underachievers by learning deficiency in mathematics to extreme limits under circumstances that mathematics becomes more requisite daily in the 21st century's informative society. However, the traditional teaching method causes a lot of problems in elevating the needed ability for the newly changing society. Accordingly, for the purpose of letting underachievers by learning deficiency have much interest in mathematics, seek the qualitative elevation, have the feelings of self-confidence and accomplishments, escape from desperation, and also teachers choose the activities of small groups, design teaching plans, apply those to teaching-learning activities and finally verify the effect, this researcher sets up a hypothesis as follows: 1. The teaching method through small groups will be effective for the accomplishments of underachievers in mathematics. 2. Its method will bring out the meaningful change in the emotional areas of mathematics. Therefore, so as to prove the above hypothesis, the results through the theoretical approach and practicing teaming by small groups have turned out to be positive.
1. 연구의 필요성과 목적
2. 연구 내용 및 방법
II. 이론적 배경
1. 학습부진아의 개념
2. 학습부진아의 원인
3. 학습부진아의 특성
4. 수학 학습부진아의 원인
5. 수학 학습부진아의 지도 방안
6. 소집단 학습
III. 연구의 가설
IV. 연구방법 및 절차
1. 연구방법의 개요
2. 연구의 대상
3. 연구의 기간
4. 연구의 절차
5. 기초조사
V. 연구의 실제
1. 소집단 조직
2. 질적 연구 방법
3. 수업모형
4. 수업 진행 중 유의 사항
VI. 연구결과의 고찰 및 검토
1. 자료 분석 방법
2. 가설I의 검증
3. 가설II의 검증
4. 소집단 학습에 대한 반응 조사
VII. 결론 및 제언
1. 결론
2. 제언