

Design of Mobile Collaboration Frameworks



The recent years have shown a tendency where computers have become more and more portable to fit the needs of users on the move. This tendency has further been strengthened by the growth in the mobile phones user base in parallel with the increasing computational capacity of the mobile phones. Today, mobile phones have the same computational capacity of the late 80’s computers with one important addition. Mobile phones are constantly connected to a network, making them available for collaborative work anywhere and anytime. In this paper, we suggested a mobile collaboration framework based on distributed object group framework. This paper will aim to design and implement a framework used to create collaborative applications on mobile phones. The emergence of mobile phones with some kind of ad hoc network technology built-in creates opportunities for new forms of computerized collaboration. Mobile, computer supported, collaboration between people that are collocated is now possible.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. MC (Mobile Computing and Cooperation)
  2.2. Mobile Device User’s Collaborations
 3. Modeling of Mobile Collaboration Framework
  3.1. MC Architecture
  3.2. The interactions of Components
  3.3. The Agent Type of Mobile Collaboration
  3.4. Designing of Healthcare Applications using the Framework
 4. Conclusion and Future Works


  • Haeng-Kon Kim Dept. of Computer Information & Communication Enginerring, Catholic University of Deagu, Korea


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