

中等學校 數學授業에서의 그룹活動을 통한 實驗授業 硏究와 資料 開發


A Study and Development of Materials for Experimental Classes through Group Activities in Secondary School Math Classes

중등학교 수학수업에서의 그룹활동을 통한 실험수업 연구와 자료 개발

金應煥, 韓致源

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The future society will demand that enables one to solve in many fields by connecting various informations in many fields and then creating his own information. In the coming society, creativeness will be regarded much important. This ability can be developed with materials through group activities experimental class in math classes. This classes using these materials are not teacher-oriented, explanatory classes but student-oriented ones. They offer students opportunities to think by themselves and expand their potential abilities. They are suitable for rising and keeping student's interests. Therefore experimental classes through group activities enable students to think mathematically and make them recognize the importance of mathematical approach by letting them work connecting other subjects or things in real life. They can develop not only expressive, communicative ability and cooperative spirit, but also the ability to transcend the class itself and then reorganize facts in new insights. Besides, math classes with experiments can arouse student's curiosity familiarizing them with mathematics. Moreover, they can expand student's originative and problem-solving abilities.


I. 서론
  1. 硏究의 必要性
  2. 硏究의 目的
 II. 理論的 背景
 III. 實態 分析
  1. 情意的 領域 事前 實態調査
  2. 事前 實態調査 分析
 IV. 硏究方法 및 節次
  1. 硏究方法의 槪要
  2. 硏究 期間
  3. 硏究 節次
 V. 資料의 開發 (예시)
 VI. 硏究結果의 考察
  1. 情意的 領域 事後 實態調査
  2. 事前, 事後 實態調査結果 比較分析
 VII. 結論 및 提言
  1. 結論
  2. 提言


  • 金應煥 김응환. 공주대학교 사범대학 수학교육과
  • 韓致源 한치원. 충남 온양여자고등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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