

Action Research of the STEAM Educational Program on Climate Change Using Leaf Fossils



In this study, we used the STEAM education program on climate change as a high-school science club activity and analyzed its effectiveness. Ten rounds of lessons and a 1-day field trip for collecting fossil leaves were carried out. The overall satisfaction of students with the STEAM program was highly positive (the mean score of 4.76 on a 5-point Likert scale). Additionally, the score was high when combined with the optimized level of difficulty, as it gave a sense of challenge and originality to the students’ tasks (the score of 4.53). The students liked the process and direct experience of the STEAM educational factors and convergence thinking across various academic fields with the common subject, namely, that of climate change, and fossil analysis. It is worth noting that, prior to participation in the program, the students did not previously encounter academic learning of this type based on hands-on experience. Furthermore, the students experienced enjoyed creativity, character education, and planning ways to reduce climate change during the program.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methodology
  2.1. The STEAM Education Program on Climate Change
  2.2. Subject of Study and Data Collection
  2.3. Testing Tool
 3. Results and Discussion
  3.1. Program Application Lessons
  3.2. Effectiveness of Lessons
 4. Conclusions and Suggestions


  • Mabyong Yoon Dept. Science Education Jeonju University, Jeonbook, Korea
  • Haksung Kim Dept. Earth Science Education Korea National University of Education, Chungbook, Korea


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