

Implementing Innovative Routing Using Software Defined Networking (SDN)



Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an open source networking framework recently introduced. It allows developers to program and reprogram the network so that intelligence and new features can be integrated to optimize and enhance the performance of the network. This paper is focused on optimizing the routing implementation of SDN (i.e. SDN Controller). We have used the Floodlight Open Source SDN Controller1 in our experimentation. The Floodlight controller provide source Java libraries and APIs.. It uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to calculate the shortest path between any source and any destination within the network. However, the default routing implementation of Floodlight Controller is such that, while calculating any path, it ignores the actual bandwidth of the link as it takes a unit value for each link. The resultant calculated path becomes a least hop path. This least hop path may be an optimal path where all the links in the network have equal bandwidth and may not be optimal where the networks have unequal link bandwidth. However, today’s networks are mostly consisting of unequal link bandwidth. The goal of this paper is to re-structure the Floodlight Controller so that it can collect the actual bandwidth of all the links in the network and use this information to calculate


 1. Introduction
 2. Recent Works on SDN
 3. Formatting Your Paper
 4. Benefits
 5. The Required Components
  5.1. SDN OpenFlow Controller (Floodlight Controller)
  5.2 Open Flow Specification
  5.3. Open Flow Enable Network Elements
 6. Implementation
 7. Code Development
  7.1. Floodlight Controller
 8. Test-Bed Testing Procedure
 9. Test Results and Output Screenshots
  9.1. Phase1: Testing and Verifying Default Algorithm Output
  9.2. Phase2: Testing and Verifying Optimized Algorithm Output
 10. Experimentation Prerequisites
 11. Conclusion


  • Adnan Shahid Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5E1, Canada
  • Jinan Fiaidhi Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5E1, Canada
  • Sabah Mohammed Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5E1, Canada


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