

Research and Strategy on Fitness Course Development in Universities of Shanxi Province



In recent years, fitness course is a new physical education curriculum in colleges and universities in our country that has positive effect to promote the development of contemporary college students' physical and mental health. But the course teaching has many problems to be solved, which is at the development stage and still is not perfected. This article uses the literature material, interview, questionnaire survey and other research methods, respectively in 10 colleges and universities of different regions of Shanxi Province, finds out the factors restricting the development of colleges and universities in Shanxi Province fitness course, puts forward the countermeasures. Studies have shown that college students have a keen interest to fitness, bodybuilding, participation motivation is good, but the low level of cognition. Effect is obvious that college students to participate in fitness bodybuilding exercise. However, the evaluation of college students is not high for the courses in health fitness. Disqualified facilities, lack of class hour unreasonable factors also restrict the nation-wide fitness course.


 1. Introduction
 2. Object and Methodology of the Study
  2.1. Object of the Study
  2.2. Study Methodology
 3. Findings and Analysis
  3.1. The Status of Fitness Classes in Engineering Universities
  3.2. The Affecting Factors of the Development of Fitness Course in Universities
  3.3. The Countermeasures of the Developing of Fitness Course
 4. Conclusion


  • Du Zhi-hua Institute of Physical Education, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen City, China
  • Liu Hui Foreign Language School, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen City, China


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