

OTRCaptcha : A Novel Object and Text Recognition Based Image CAPTCHA



CAPTCHA is an important technology to prevent auto-script attack. Currently most of the CAPTCHA systems are text based, which firstly distort, rotate different characters and then use some obfuscation, aiming to make the text difficult to be recognized by auto-script while still can be learnt easily by real users. However, such kind of CAPTCHA schema either too simple, which can be attacked easily by using optimal character recognition (OCR) or machine learning based technology, or it is too complex that even real users cannot tell it. By observing such contradiction between security and usability, we propose a novel object and text recognition based image CAPTCHA system called OTRCaptcha. In OTRCaptcha, some object images (each has a label) and their names are attached into a background image respectively. In order to pass this CAPTCHA, users have to identify all the object images, labels within those objects and their names. Besides, users also need to identify the semantic relationship between object and its name. Both the theoretical analysis and experiment result show that OTRCapthcha can provide both high security and strong usability.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1. Text Based CAPTCHA System
  2.2. Image Based CAPTCHA System
 3. OTRCaptcha Image CAPTCHA System
  3.1. The Algorithm To Generate OTRCaptcha Image
 4. Security Analysis
  4.1. Random Guess Recognition
  4.2. Replay Attack Recognition
  4.3. Machine Learning and Computer Vision Based Recognition
 5. Usability Experiment
  5.1. Impact on Age and Educational Level
  5.2. Impact on Number of Object Images
  5.3. Impact on Number of Object Names
 6. Summary


  • Zhen Ye Lishui University
  • Yufeng Wu Lishui University
  • Wenyao Zhu Lishui University
  • Mingjun Wang Lishui University


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