

Camera Image Stitching using Feature Points and Geometrical Features



To obtain a panoramic image by using ordinary cameras instead of an expensive panoramic camera, various researches are being studied. We usually use Stitching of the images using a homography matrix that has been evaluated by the method based on feature points such as SURF to obtain a panoramic image. However, the above method has some problems that it need a lot of time to extract feature points and feature points are obtained differently depending on various external factors. Proposed method is stitching the images using spatial transformation from two cameras at the same time. We expect to be able to apply proposed method to various electronic devices to obtain a panoramic image easily.


 1. Introduction
 2. Image Stitching Based on Feature Point Detection
 3. Stitching Ased on Geometrical Feature
 4. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Chi-Woong Kim Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, South Korea
  • Hyun Seong Sung Agency for Defense Development, South Korea
  • Hee-Jun Yoon Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, South Korea


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