

Personalized Service Studies CSS for Web Accessibility Improvement of the Senior Generation



For user’s web accessibility, Responsive Web Design (RWD) is the preferred approach to web design layout aimed at avoiding eye strain to the user due to small screen size. As the user’s visual convenience, the PC browser provides magnification of the web page. An effort to enhance the web accessibility has become more important due to the wide range of ages and the increase in number of web users. Presbyopia relates to loss of the elasticity of the lens of the eye, occurring in the middle age and starting from 40. Because of the aging of existing web users, CSS is developed for personal services in accordance with the emergence of a new silver generation who is positive in social participation. Personality diversity of the web screen has also been implemented by utilizing login subsequent age and personal information, we describe its effectiveness.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research
  2.1. State Web Usage of Older Users
  2.2. Characteristics of 'New Silver Generation'
  2.3. Universal Design Policies for the Elderly
 3. Personalized Service Web Design Development for Senior Generation
 4. Conclusion


  • Bu-Mi Park Interdisciplinary Program of Information Systems, Pukyong National University, 608-737, Republic of Korea
  • Chang-Soo Kim Department of IT Convergence and Application Engineering, Pukyong National University, 608-737, Republic of Korea


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