

Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of Relay Protection based on Variable Weight Value



To improve the accuracy of the state evaluation is the most important for the relay protection state maintenance. Therefore, a fuzzy synthetic evaluation of relay protection based on variable weight value is proposed in this paper. Pick up the major factor of the device and secondary circuit of relay protection to establish a reasonable index system of state evaluation. Then according to the variable weight comprehensive concept of factor space theory, we introduce the balance function to adjust the weight coefficient of each factor. Final, get the membership function in triangle trapezoid distribution to show the condition information, and select synthetic operator, then an evaluation system of relay protection with objectively and accurately is proposed. Running examples show that after dealing with the variable weight, some factors weight value become larger or smaller, so running state of evaluate factor may be changed, make it close to the real running state.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Index System of Relay Protection Status Evaluation
 3. Variable Weight Coefficients of the Comprehensive Evaluation
  3.1. Constant Weight Coefficient
  3.2. Variable Weight Coefficient
 4. State Evaluation Steps
  4.1. Factor and Comment Sets
  4.2. Membership Function
  4.3. Results of Synthesis Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
 5. Case Analyses
  5.1. Fuzzy Relationship Matrix
  5.2. Constant and Variable Weight Coefficient
  5.3. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
 6. Conclusions


  • Renjie Song College of Information Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China
  • Yuming Chen College of Information Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China


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