Wireless sensor network is composed of a dense deployment of intelligent sensors in the monitoring area basis points in Ad Hoc network of application system. Based on improved grouping kind of energy efficient routing protocol is a kind of adaptive, distributed routing protocols. Basis points through the sensor and its deployment area to build mathematical model, deduce a given number of basis points improved grouping the computational expressions of the class. Numerical results obtained using the MATLAB software, and the calculation results are analyzed, it is concluded that with the increase of bp number x, the change of the improved grouping class k curve approach gently, as bp number x increases to a certain stage, the overall trend or bp number x increases, the improvement group class k increase, but in a local number x range basis points to increase the impact on the optimal cluster number k.
1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Based on the Improved Grouping Classes of Routing Protocol Design
4. Model Establishment and Simulation Calculation
4.1. Model Establishment and Derivation
4.2 Simulation and the Result Analysis
5. Conclusion