

Text Mining : Extraction of Interesting Association Rule with Frequent Itemsets Mining for Korean Language from Unstructured Data



Text mining is a specific method to extract knowledge from structured and unstructured data. This extracted knowledge from text mining process can be used for further usage and discovery. This paper presents the method for extraction information from unstructured text data and the importance of Association Rules Mining, specifically for of Korean language (text) and also, NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools are explained. Association Rules Mining (ARM) can also be used for mining association between itemsets from unstructured data with some modifications. Which can then, help for generating statistical thesaurus, to mine grammatical rules and to search large data efficiently. Although various association rules mining techniques have successfully used for market basket analysis but very few has applied on Korean text. A proposed Korean language mining method calculates and extracts meaningful patterns (association rules) between words and presents the hidden knowledge. First it cleans and integrates data, select relevant data then transform into transactional database. Then data mining techniques are used on data source to extract hidden patterns. These patterns are evaluated by specific rules until we get the valid and satisfactory result. We have tested on Korean news corpus and results have shown that it has worked well, and the results were adequate enough to research further.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. Association Rules
  1.2. Measures Association Rules
 2. Related Work
 3. Association Rules Mining for Korean Language
  3.1. Mining Association Rules from Korean Text
  3.2. Normalization/Unification
  3.3. Tokenization
  3.4. Handling Word Joiner and Zero Width Space
  3.5. Tokenization of Clitics
  3.6. Stemming
 4. Experiment and Results
 5. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Irfan Ajmal Khan Department of computer Engineering INU (Incheon National Univeristy) Incheon, South Korea
  • Junghyun Woo Department of computer Engineering INU (Incheon National Univeristy) Incheon, South Korea
  • Ji-Hoon Seo Department of computer Engineering INU (Incheon National Univeristy) Incheon, South Korea
  • Jin-Tak Choi Department of computer Engineering INU (Incheon National Univeristy) Incheon, South Korea


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