

Energy Efficient D2D Application for Increasing Battery Usage of Smartphones



The objective of this paper is to improvise a technique for battery optimization of smartphones. The technique is based on reduction in energy consumed by communication over network. This will be achieved by utilizing cooperative device-to-device communication. The proposed system will allow users with higher battery level to carry traffic of users with lower battery level, thereby reducing the chances of user running out of battery early. It can be implemented in form of a proximity service (ProSe) using the device-to-device (D2D) communication architecture underlying Long Term Evolution-Advance (LTE-A) technology in hexagonal cell environment. The paper also includes the goal to develop a technique for efficient positioning of user equipment and implementation of connection handover for this D2D communication ProSe. The technique for handover is based on Observed Time Difference Of Arrival (OTDOA) positioning approach along with the Positioning Reference Signal (PRS), mentioned in Release 9 of LTE technology. It is shown through simulations that the proposed system will reduce the probability of outage i.e. the probability of the UEs running out of battery power before their target usage time. The scheme will also reduce the probability of connection dropping, thereby improving performance of whole system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Device to Device Communication
 3. System Model
  A. Spreading of users in hexagonal cell
  B. Algorithm for BDS
  C. Helper Selection Criterion
  D. Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDOA) Positioning Technique
  E. Security Implications
  F. Models for generating simulation environment
  A. Power consumption
  B. Usage time
  C. Probability of outage
  D. Connection Dropping Probability (CDP)
  F. Simulation Parameters
 6. Conclusion


  • Dr. Sarita Singh Bhadauria Department of Electronics Madhav Institute of Technology and Science Gwalior (M.P.), India
  • Shubhangi Vishwakarma Department of Electronics Madhav Institute of Technology and Science Gwalior (M.P.), India


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