

Effect & Growth of TiO2 Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications



Titaniun di-oxide (TiO2) hasmany excellent physical properties such as high dielectric constant a strong mechanical and chemical stability. Tio2 has high refractive index and good insulating properties, as a result it is widely used as protective layer for very large scale integrated(VLSI)circuits and for manufacture of optical elements.Additionally TiO2 films have potential uses for a number of electroniuc device applications such as dye-sensitized photovoltaic celles as well as anti reflective (AR) coatings, gas sensore, electro chromic displays, and planar waveguides.
The nanomaterilas were characterized using x-ray diffraction,UV-visible reflectance spectroscopy.In this paper, we have discussed the groth of the High quality Titanium di oxide (tio2) material and study their optical and lectriacl properties.


 I. Introduction
 II. Thin Film Technology
 III. Experimental Details
 IV. Result s and Discussion:
  A. XRD Pattern of Pure Silicon (Si) Substrate
  B. XRD Pattern of Pure TargetTitanium-di-oxide (TiO2)
  C. XRD Pattern of TiO2 Thin films under oxygen pressure
  D. XRD Pattern of TiO2 Thin films without oxygen pressure
  E. Band Gap Measurement of TiO2 ThinFilm Deposited on Quartz Crystal (SiO2)
 V. Conclusions


  • Sanjeet Kumar Shriwastava Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Laxmi Institute of Technology Post Bag No.15,Sarigam,District Valsad, Gujarat,India
  • Sita Singh Department of Electrical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of Technology Post Bag No.15,Sarigam,DistrictValsad, Gujarat,India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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