

Incremental Optimization of Hub and Spoke Network under Changes of Spokes’ Number and Flow



Hub and spoke network has been widely used in air transport, road freight, shipping network and urban distribution areas as part of the strategic decisions, which may have a profound effect on the future of enterprises. In view of the existing network structure, as time goes on, the number of spokes and the flow change because of different sources of uncertainty. Hence, the incremental optimization of the capacitated single-allocation hub and spoke network problem is considered in this paper, and the decisions to be made to cope with change comprise (i) whether new hubs need to be setup and their selection, (ii) whether the capacity levels of original hubs need to be adjusted, and their new capacity levels, (iii) whether the original hubs need to be closed, (iv) the new allocation of the spoke nodes to the hubs, (v) the flow distribution through the sub network defined by all the hubs. The objective is to minimize the total cost, which includes the setup costs for the new hubs, the closure costs and the adjustment costs for the original hubs as well as the flow routing costs. Two mixed-integer linear programming formulations are proposed and analyzed for this problem. A set of computational tests are performed, and we analyze the changes in the solutions driven by the number of spokes and the flow. The tests also allow an analysis to consider the effect of variation in parameters on the network.


 1. Introduction
 2. Formulations and Properties
  2.1 The Initial Optimization Model
  2.2 The Incremental Optimization Model
 3. Computational Experience
  3.1 The Initial Optimization Analysis and Conclusion
  3.2 The Incremental Optimization Analysis and Conclusion
 4. Conclusion


  • Yanfeng Wang Logistics Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University, China, School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Maritime University, China
  • Youfang Huang Logistics Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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