

Exploring Reasons for Pauses in Consecutive Interpreting


순차통역에서의 휴지 원인 연구

Juyeon Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As fluency is considered an important part of interpreting quality, it is important for interpreters to be able to control pauses and hesitations. In this context, this study investigated patterns of pauses and motivations for pauses in consecutive interpreting into Korean and English. In the study, ten first-year students in a graduate program of interpretation and translation performed consecutive interpreting in both directions and participated in retrospective interviews to comment on reasons for pauses in their performance. The findings suggest that there were more occurrences of pauses in unnatural places in interpreting into English than the other direction. As for the motivations for pauses, in the K-E direction, linguistic difficulties, such as searching for appropriate expressions in English and restructuring target language outputs, were most frequently cited by the participants. In the E-K direction, not only linguistic factors but also extra-linguistic factors, including note-reading and checking for logical flows, caused the participants to pause and hesitate during interpreting. The paper discusses major findings and their pedagogical implications.


 I. Introduction
 II. Research on Pauses in Interpreting
 III. Research Design
  1. Participants
  2. Procedure
  3. Data analysis
 IV. Results
  1. Patterns of pauses
  2. Reasons for pauses
  3. Discussion
 V. Conclusion


  • Juyeon Lee 이주연. Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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