This article deals with solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem in dynamic environment (DFJSSP). In this problem, environment may face with many real time events such as random arrival of jobs or breakdown machine efficiency. Jobs and their operations are processing the machines according to static scheduling in which environment might face with such events. Regarding being NP – hard of the problem , a hybrid of artificial immune and virus evolutionary algorithm are offered to solve it which use the technique of stable action – reaction scheduling . In these algorithms two objective functions are minimized: Efficiency and stability. Efficiency is the objectives value in static scheduling, whereas stability is presented in dynamic scheduling because its purpose is to improve static scheduling, reduce the deviation from the first scheduling, and increase system stability.
1. Introduction
2. Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problem
3. Virus Evolutionary Algorithm (VEA)
4. Proposed Algorithm Structure
4.1. Part 1: Algorithms 1
4.2. Part 2: Algorithm 2
5. Experimental Results
6. Conclusion