

Grey Wolf Optimization for Active Power Dispatch Planning Problem Considering Generator Constraints and Valve Point Effect



This research proposed an application of swarm inspired new meta heuristic algorithm Grey Wolf Optimization to solve active power dispatch problem imposing valve point effect and generator constraints. Grey Wolf optimization is based on mathematical approach whose solution convergence inspired by the leadership hierarchy and hunting mechanism of grey wolves. It explores search space as a multi-level decision mechanism and does not require gradient for search path. This approach converged to global optimal solution in spite of the non linearity added by valve point effect while solving the fitness function. Optimal scheduling of generators to minimize the total operating cost coupled with generator constraints and valve point effect to match load demand is implemented with proposed method and. Exploration, Computation and Convergence power are evaluated to track the computational efficiency of the proposed technique. The presented technique is tested on different test cases comprises three, six and thirteen test systems incorporating valve point effect. Test results are compared with other nature and bio inspired algorithms presented in literature .Analysis shows cut throat results as total operating cost turns out to be minimum as compared to other techniques which infers the effectiveness of proposed method and encourage to further explore the potential of proposed method to solve complex optimization problems in active power dispatch planning area.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem Design
 3. Grey Wolf Optimization
  3.1 Design and Formulation of GWO
  3.2 Pseudo Code
  3.3 Simulation Flow
 4. Algorithms Numerical Settings
 5. APD Formulation Using GWO
 6. Test System
  6.1. Three-Generating Unit System with Valve Point Effect
  6.2. Six-Generating Unit System
  6.3. Three-Generating Unit System
  6.4. Thirteen Generating Unit System With Valve Point Effect
 7. Results and Discussions
  7.1. Layout
  7.2. Simulation and Numerical Result
 8. Conclusion
 9. Future Suggestions


  • Navpreet Singh Tung Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bhutta Group of Institutions, Ludhiana India
  • Sandeep Chakravorty Dean and Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Baddi University, Baddi, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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