

Research of Automatic Configuration Technology for Virtual Machines based on Cloud Computing



Cloud resource managers face many problems, such as the dynamic changes of incoming load and demand elasticity of resources. From the aspect of elastic configuration management technology of virtual resources, this paper focus on how to provide quick and reliable cloud resources for users. Virtual machine resources automatic configuration management technology is proposed in this paper, the reverse reinforcement learning technique is introduced into cloud virtual resource management, configuration management process of the virtual machine is modeled as a Markov decision model. According to the running state of the application system and the dynamic changes of the input load, this technology can make an automatic decision to add or remove a number of virtual machines. Experimental results show that this technology can complete the tasks of automating configuration of virtual resource management according to the changing load, respond to end user's in a timely manner, and ensure the SLA requirements of cloud users.


 1. Introduction
 2. Automatic Configuration Decisions Model for Virtual Machines in the Cloud
  2.1. Analysis of Automatic Configuration Problem
  2.2. Modeling 'based on MDP
 3. The Automatic Configuration Decisions Process for Virtual Machines in the Cloud
  3.1. The Procedure Description of Automatic Configuration Decisions Process for Virtual Machines in the Cloud
  3.2. The Soultion Algorithm of Automatic Configuration Decisions Process for Virtual Machines in the Cloud
 4. Experiment and Analysis
  4.1. Experiment Scheme
  4.2. Test environment and Setting
  4.3 Experiment Results and Analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • Xue Tao College of Computer Science, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China
  • Liu Long College of Computer Science, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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