

Research on Data Aggregation Technology Based on Wireless Sensor Networks



The issue of data aggregation in wireless sensor networks was studied. Data aggregation was an efficient in-network data processing method. It reduced data redundancy and improved information quality, which may save communication energy and increase collection efficiency. In this dissertation, data aggregation solution (DAS) was proposed and realized. DAS used a cluster structure based network and it had three parts. Firstly, the cluster head would not submit any packets derived from the cluster members. Instead, it fused them into an outcome packet and then sent it to the sink node. Secondly, the cluster head scheduled the nodes with low energy level into sleep. Thirdly, the cluster head would use a combined forecasting algorithm to estimate the data of sleeping nodes. Simulation tests were carried out, and simulation results showed that DAS had good performance. It not only extended the network lifetime greatly, but also provided better assurance of data quality.


 1. Introduction
 2. Overall Thinking of the Solution
  2.1 Data Aggregation
  2.2 Node Scheduling
  2.3 Data Prediction
 3. Analysis of Temporal Correlation
 4. Flow of DAS Algorithm
 5. Experiment Design and Discussion
  5.1. Testing Scene and Indicators
  5.2. Simulation Results and Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • Tianming Wang Hainan College of Economics and Business, Haikou 571127, china


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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