

원격교원연수의 의의와 발전과제 -방송대를 중심으로-


A Study on the Significance of Distance Education for Teachers and its Developmental Tasks

김경화, 김재웅

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Teacher training is one of the top priorities for educational reform in all the countries. They recognize that the quality of teachers the key to improve educational practices as well as that teachers need to be retrained continuously to cope with the fast changing trends in knowledge and information. It is important to note that teachers are recommended not to leave their classrooms for a long time, even though they are obliged to upgrade the professionality.
This paper aims to articulate the significance of distance education for teachers in an information age, to identify the effects and problems of the distance teacher training, and to suggest some tasks for the facilitation of distance education for teachers. The results of a case study, A Study on Evaluation of Teacher Retraining Programs of Teacher Training Center at Korea National Open University(2001), done by the authors for another purpose, were utilized to identify the effects and problems of distance teacher training.
It is distance education that many countries including Republic of Korea began to take into account for teacher inservice training. Distance education for teachers is said to have some advantages in terms of expansion of learning opportunities, cost-benefit, and the quality of the training. The problems of distance teacher inservice training are identified as follows: limits in two-way communication between instructors and students, ineffective utilization of resources on the internet, and the inadequate learner support system, etc.
The authors recommended the following tasks for the development of distance education for teachers: 1) To strengthen the administrative and financial support from the government; 2) To collaborate among the distance teacher inservice training institutes; 3) To establish the adequate learner support system; 4) To fortify the quality assurance system; 5) To fully utilize the internet technology; and 6) To recruit learners through effective public relations with the support of Ministry of Education and Provincial Educational Offices.


본 연구는 방송대에서 운영한 바 있는 ‘열린교육중등교원 사이버 연수’의 사례 분석결과를 활용하여, 원격교원연수의 효과와 문제점을 살펴보고, 원격교원연수의 활성화를 위한 발전과제를 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 연구결과 원격교육을 통한 교원연수는 연수기회 확대, 시간 활용, 연수경비 절감, 연수의 질적 향상 측면에서 긍정적 효과가 있었으나, 학습자 및 교수자, 운영자와의 상호작용 및 피드백 장치가 미흡하였다는 점, 인터넷 교육 자료를 충분히 활용하지 못하였다는 점등이 문제점으로 나타났다. 향후 원격교원연수를 활성화하기 위한 발전과제로 1) 정부의 정책지원 강화, 2) 원격교원연수기관 간의 협력체제 구축 3) 학습자 지원체제 구축 4) 연수평가체제 확립 5) 인터넷의 적극적 활용 6) 교육부 및 교육청과의 협력 강화를 통한 체계적인 홍보 전략 수립 등을 제시하였다.


I. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 II. 원격교육과 교원연수
  1. 원격교원연수의 당위성
  2. 원격교원연수를 위한 매체와 매체선정 기준
  3. 국내외 원격교원연수의 동향
 III. 방송대의 원격교원연수 사례분석
  1. 연수과정 평가결과
  2. 원격교원연수의 효과와 문제점
 IV. 원격교원연수의 발전과제
  1. 정부의 정책지원 강화
  2. 원격교원연수기관 간의 협력체제 구축
  3. 학습자 지원체제 구축
  4. 연수평가체제 확립
  5. 인터넷의 적극적 활용
  6. 교육부 및 교육청과의 협력 강화를 통한 체계적인 홍보 전략 수립


  • 김경화 Kim, Kyung-Hwa. 한국방송통신대학교
  • 김재웅 Kim, Jae-Woong. 서강대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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