Evaluation of Interior and Exterior Air quality in Smoking Rooms for a Smoking Room Standardization
Tobacco Smoke is one of aerosols that disperses a minute particle ranges from 0.01um~3um and a complex mixture of over 4,000 chemicals include more than 40 kinds a carcinogenic substance generated during the burning and smoking of tobacco products. Our nation announced enforcement of public health promotion ordinance that means no one can smoke in public building. In accordance with this, It will prospect that working environment and living environment have improved, but look at smokers side of it, there are no space to smoke. The objective of this publication is to measure a degree of contamination and actual ventilation condition of smoking rooms at Seoul Highway Bus terminal, Seocho district office and Kimpo airport, and with this, to present a relevant database to prevents second- hand smoke and not to violates human rights that is to build a agreeable smoking room. The result of test is followed. The concentration of smoking room's dust, CO, CO2, aldehydes, nicotine, Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) is more than outdoor's concentration, sequently 1.58~3.32, 0.85~2.27, 1.23~2.00, 1.06~1.32, 9.25~13.61, 1.43~7.33 times
I. 서 론
II. 연구방법
1. 포집 장소
2. 시료 포집 방법
3. 시료 분석 방법
4. 통계학적 검정
III. 결 과
1. 부유분진
2. CO
3. CO2
4. Aldehyde류
5. Nicotine
6. VOCs
7. 유해인자 및 측정지점별 통계학적 검정
IV. 고 찰
V. 결 론