

An Algorithm for Network Fluctuation Hopping Signal Suppression Based on Disturbance Characteristics Decomposition and Feed-Forward Modulation



In the data communication, a time-frequency hopping resonance signal will be created, and this network fluctuation hopping signal must be suppressed in order to improve the network stability. An algorithm for network fluctuation hopping signal suppression based on disturbance characteristics decomposition and feed-forward modulation is proposed, and the disturbance characteristics decomposition for a network fluctuation hopping signal is done in a Hilbert space. A feed-forward modulation filter is created to get the feed-forward modulation suppression of the network fluctuation hopping signal. The simulation results indicate that this algorithm has good real-time data transmission, which can effectively suppress the resonance signal in the network fluctuation hopping, low loss of information, and has the obvious function to resolve the startup hysteresis, server load, tremble and other problems in the large-scale hybrid networking.


 1. Introduction
 2. Resonance Mathematical Model and Analysis of Network Fluctuation Hopping Signal
 3. Problem Description and Mathematical Model of Network Fluctuation Hopping Signal Resonance
  3.1 Pre-Processing Method and Drawback Analysis of Traditional Signal Envelope Characteristics Decomposition
 4. Improved Design and Implementation of Algorithm
  4.1 Proposal of Signal Disturbance Characteristics Decomposition Algorithm
  4.2 Implementationo of Characteristics Feed-Forward Modulation and Signal Suppression Algorithm
 5. Results and Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • Chen Weijun School of Software, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000, Henan, China
  • Sui Dan School of Software, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000, Henan, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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